Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Weighed in

So, yesterday when I weighed myself I weight 186, after watching what I ate and drinking 5 glasses of water yesterday, I have lost some water weight. 182.4 when I weighed a minute ago. I will take all weight loss, even water weight loss. WooHoo for me. That is significant for me. Still gotta take those before pics though.


  1. Good for you! I need to do the same! You have inspired me to be better and try to change some small things in my life that will make me a happier healthier me!
    Thank you!

  2. I know that small changes will make a difference. Just by putting Splenda in my coffee with skim milk and switching from soda to water, and trying to find healthier options for lunch I have dropped down 7 pounds since I started the other day. I know some of this is water weight but that's okay too.
