Friday, January 7, 2011

Another Successful Weight Loss Day

Okay, so I forgot to post yesterday. I did good yesterday with the exception of 1 little mishap. I was cleaning the living room and came across one of the kids bags of candy. I had popped 3 Mike and Ikes in my mouth before I even thought of it. As I was swallowing them, it dawned on me what I had done. Then, a revelation happened. How much of my eating is purely out of habit? How many times a day to I pop something into my mouth and don't think about it, don't really want it, or am not even hungry? I do this a lot and now I am conscience of it then I can keep my eye out for it.

On a good note, I have still been taking my coffee with Splenda and skim milk and I've kept my coffee down to 2 cups per day. Other than that, I have been drinking water. That isn't to say I didn't have a sip of my boyfriends mountain dew the other day but that was it. A SIP. Was so proud of myself. I know that I can't go on a fad diet and lose the weight and keep it off. I have to make lifelong choices. That doesn't mean that I am never going to have a bite of chocolate or never go to my favorite Mexican restaurant, I will be better able to make better choices when I do because I am learning about food and what is good for me and how to say enough is enough.

I stepped on the scales this morning and they said 179. From 186 to 179 is good, no matter what kind of weight it is. It is the incentive I need to keep working on making better choices.

1 comment:

  1. From 186 to 179 is AWESOME! You keep up the good work. I am in the exact same boat with the weight but have not been able to get any of it off so you rock! You can do it! I keep telling myself that too:)
